5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (4/24/09 Edition)

April 24th, 2009 in Friday Blog Clips

by: Matthew Griffin

I posted an article this week about what I believe and why. And even though it's one of the shortest articles I've written in awhile, it took quite a bit of searching and thinking. I'm glad that I'm constantly being challenged by readers and friends to examine my thoughts and motivations. So I'd like to preface this week's 5 for Friday by thanking all of you who have read and participated here on Mirificam Press during its first year of existence. Now, here's the links.

How Long Will You Continue Support for Internet Explorer 6? - ForTheLoose

Why Partnering is Better than Outsourcing - Devlounge

Resize and Crop Photos with PHP's GD Library - Uncontentio.us

How to Calculate Distance with Javascript and Google Maps API - Brian Cray's Blog

30 Exceptional CSS Navigation Techniques - 30 Revisions



Posted By: Rob O. on 04/24/09

Bizarre as it may be, there are still some web-based apps that're officially supported to run on IE 6. Despite all of the banter about alternative browsers - and I use Firefox more often than not these days - there are still lots of sites that work best (or only) with Internet Explorer. We have a number of mission-critical, used-daily, web-based apps that only run on IE, either due to actual limitations or simply because the vendors won't certify those apps on any other browser. And if we fire up those apps in another browser and there's a problem we need support on - regardless of whether the problem has anything to do with the browser from which it's being used - we run the very real risk of being denied support. Few businesses can afford that risk, so your stick with the vendor-specified browser.

Posted By: Craig Kistler on 04/24/09

I find it rather irritating in reading the comments from the IE6 article that designers/developers are calling users "idiots" and "stupid" for not upgrading. At my full-time job we are getting close to 20% of our traffic running IE6. We have millions of fews per month with a demographic that is mainly made of people 40+. These people aren't stupid they just don't know any better. They are accustomed and comfortable with what they have. They see no reason to change something that to them works just fine. I think we as designers and developers need to be aware that everyone using our sites aren't us.

Posted By: Joe on 04/25/09

Matt - gotta put in my 2 cents on this one. I have to agree with Craig on this. Yes, IE6 is an awful browser - but an awful lot of people still use it. They aren't designers/developers. They're ordinary people who could give a hoot for standards, browser quirks or anything else that designers/developers have to cope with. To put it another way, they're real people living in the real world. They just want to go to a website and see what's supposed to be there. As designers/developers, adopting an attitude that IE6 users are "idiots" is not just elitist and arrogant, it's stupid. Designers/developers that fail to recognize that IE6 may be around for a very long time may need to consider another line of work. Enjoy your blog - keep it up.

Posted By: Matthew Griffin on 04/25/09

I have to agree on IE 6. I still bust out IE Tester when I'm finishing up a site just to make sure it works. The truth is that if you are standards conscious, the additional necessary IE 6 work will be minimal and well worth the effort.

Posted By: Clubturk.net-2. Seo Yarismasi on 04/27/09

They see no reason to change something that to them works just fine.

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