Introducing the First Mirificam Press Interview Series

April 29th, 2009 in Mirificam Press News

by: Matthew Griffin

As most of my long time readers know, I talk a lot about how worldview affects design philosophy. I've enjoyed the privilege of writing and discussing design in a deep vein, deeper than most designers ever stop to consider. I owe a great deal to the designers—both Christian and non-Christian—who have commented, emailed, friended, and followed me over the last year and a half. So I thought it would be appropriate to run a new series on Mirificam Press featuring designers and their philosophies—philosophies of life and philosophies of design.

The Purpose of the Series

The purpose of this series is not to criticize, not even to analyze. It is meant simply to present the state of worlview among designers. I contacted a long list of designers for this series, all with the same set of questions. Generally, I received a good response from my request and finally narrowed the list down to seven designers (no Biblical symbolism intended). Interestingly, the designers who declined fell almost exclusively into two groups. First, there were the designers who couldn't participate for practical reasons: too busy, too booked, etc. But the overwhelming majority of those who declined did so because of one particular question in the interview: "What is truth?" And the reason given for this particular hangup was unanimous. Every designer who declined after reading this question did so because he or she felt unqualified.

Please Participate

Here is the full list of questions I posed to these designers. And even though I've already chosen the seven who will be featured in this series, I'd love to hear your answers. I may do an honorable mention article at the end of the series with responses I receive.

  • If you could sum up your philosophy of life in just a few sentences, what would you say?
  • Why have you chosen design as your life work?
  • What is the purpose of design?
  • Do you think your philosophy about life informs your understanding of the purpose of design? If so how?
  • Do you think that design can communicate truth? Is it even important that design communicate truth?
  • What is truth?
  • Can design right the wrongs of this world? If so, to what extent?


Posted By: M.joshua on 04/30/09

Yah, dood! You went straight for the gut on these questions. I thought I'd be able to quick answer them, but I'm finding the depth of the questions to be quite vulnerable and detailed. Its good. I like challenges.

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