» Protecting your ideas is overrated » Simple and Loveable

June 6th, 2007 in Business & Process

by: Matthew Griffin

» Protecting your ideas is overrated » Simple and Loveable

As usual, Simple and Loveable is right on the money. Generally, aspiring entrepreneurs believe that their unique idea is what will make their business great, when actually it’s process by which the idea is thrust into the marketplace. 

Case in point, I have a client who is a photographer (leavethecamera.com) with a “unique” approach to selling photographs online. Sure enough, as soon as he launched his business, there was a local copycat. He freaked out at first but after I gave him some encouraging words, he calmed down and the copycat fizzled out in a couple of months. It was his dedication to his clients and his commitment to his idea that made his business rise above… not the idea itself.

So share share share!


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