Proposals Should be Short and Sweet

May 22nd, 2007 in Business & Process

by: Matthew Griffin

I’m a reminded almost daily of how important this principle is in the New Media business. I’ve written hundreds of proposals since I started Liquid Design Media and I’ve found that big picture summary proposals are the way to go for a number of very important reasons: (1) You will save a lot of time and energy. (2) They most likely won’t understand the details so the more you put in there, the more confused they are about what they’re buying. (3) Short, sweet proposals attract the type of easy-going clients that we all love. 

If I’m proposing a new web site for a client, I start out with an all-inclusive design and set up quote that covers the type of design I think would work best (Straight html, ajax, flash, or hybrid) and all of the other work necessary to get it up on the web with the basic static pages. Next, I list out the other elements (blog, news, calendar, etc.) that I recommend they should have on the site. I stay away from the hows and really focus on the whys. That will do. Don’t over think it and don’t worry about it, even if it’s a big project. 


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