Mirificam Press News (Archive)
February 10, 2010 in Mirificam Press News
Mirificam Press Takes a Stab at the Movies
This is a special post to announce the upcoming production of the film Open When Johnny Can Read. If you've stuck with Mirificam Press over the last few months you've surely noticed how quiet it's been. Open When Johnny Can Read is a script that I wrote during that time and is now becoming a reality as it will go into production this spring with a scheduled release date of fall 2010. The first trailer should be posted on http://johnnysletter.com sometime in late spring or early summer, but there will be a lot of production photos and videos before that so make sure to check out the website.
July 7, 2009 in Mirificam Press News
Oh Yes, Soon to Return
I've received some inquiries about the recent silence on Mirificam Press. No, I'm not quitting. A combination of vacation and unforeseen family events has kept me away. I plan on resuming the interview series next week and then taking some time to rewrite and refine some articles from the Mirificam Press vault while I finish up my video series. I appreciate the comments and the emails with ideas and suggestions so keep them coming.
April 29, 2009 in Mirificam Press News
Introducing the First Mirificam Press Interview Series
As most of my long time readers know, I talk a lot about how worldview affects design philosophy. I've enjoyed the privilege of writing and discussing design in a deep vein, deeper than most designers ever stop to consider. I owe a great deal to the designers—both Christian and non-Christian—who have commented, emailed, friended, and followed me over the last year and a half. So I thought it would be appropriate to run a new series on Mirificam Press featuring designers and their philosophies—philosophies of life and philosophies of design.
March 2, 2009 in Mirificam Press News
Meet Me at SXSW 2009
Next week is the beginning of the 2009 SXSWi conference in Austin, TX. I would like to invite any Mirificam Press readers who are attending to meet up to discuss design, worldview, whatever. If you're interested, just use the form on the contact page to send me your information. I have attended SXSWi for the last four years and have always found it worth the trip. Not only have I learned an enormous amount from the speakers and panels but I've enjoyed the opportunity to confront design culture with a Christian worldview. I look forward to the same this year.
December 25, 2008 in Mirificam Press News
Merry Christmas 2008
This week I'm taking a blog break for the Christmas holiday, but I wanted to wish all of the Mirificam Press readers a merry Christmas from my family to yours. I'm so thankful that the original designer saw fit to become flesh and blood so that I could be reconciled to God and design to his glory. His name is Emanuel—God with us. He reigns now and of his kingdom there will be no end. Merry Christmas! [Griffin Family Photo]
June 18, 2008 in Mirificam Press News
A New Personality for Bits O' NewMedia
I've made brief mention of coming changes to Bits O' NewMedia in the last couple of months. But it's time to make good on my threats. Over the weekend, I will not only be unveiling a new design but a new name for Bits O' NewMedia. Bits O' New Media will now be Mirificam Press. This week's 5 for Friday list will be the last article posted on the old Bits O' NewMedia. If you're currently reading Bits O' NewMedia by RSS or email subscription, there's no need to take action. The RSS address will remain the same. Also, any bookmarked pages will automatically redirect to the new site.
February 27, 2008 in Mirificam Press News
Meet Me at SXSW Interactive 2008
Next Friday marks the beginning of the 2008 SXSW interactive festival in my hometown of Austin, TX. I will be making the trek from West Texas to attend, and I would like to extend an invitation to any Bits O' NewMedia Readers who would like to hang out and talk web stuff. If you've never gone, I highly recommend it.
December 25, 2007 in Mirificam Press News
A Merry Christmas From Bits O' NewMedia
If you're reading this the day it was posted, you're probably stealing precious time from your friends and family--you should be ashamed of yourself. What? Hypocrite? Where? My family and I wanted to wish everyone a quick merry Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful time visiting family and eating way too much food. I'd also like to say how thankful I am for Christ, the God-man, being born into this world and giving us such a wonderful and fulfilling hope.
December 12, 2007 in Mirificam Press News
Help Build the Best Blog Search Engine for Web Designers... Bits O' BlogSearch
After happening upon Rollyo.com last week, I was inspired to build a blog search engine for web designers. Rollyo is short for "roll your own" search engine. It's a simpler Yahoo powered version of Google's Custom Search. I knew as embarked on this mission that I wasn't the first to attempt it. But the wheel can always be made rounder without being reinvented.
November 19, 2007 in Mirificam Press News
Even More Changes to Bits O' NewMedia
I've been very pleased with the success of the new design for Bit O' NewMedia. It's been out there for a little over a week now and most of the adjustments I've made up to this point have been minor. But over the weekend, I got the feature bug...