5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (10/3/08 Edition)

October 3rd, 2008 in Friday Blog Clips

by: Matthew Griffin

As some of you already know, I recently changed the name of my design studio from Liquid Design Media to Six House Design. For the most part it's been a smooth transition and I'm already seeing great benefits from my new website. But I'd like to take a moment and warn any independent designers thinking about making a name change that lack of planning can really eat your lunch. I recommend making a general timeline and checklist to guide you through the process. It's not nearly as simple as it seems up font. And now, this week's 5 for Friday:

Visualizing Chris Anderson's "Free" Model - Logic+Emotion

48 Mind-Blowing Ideas and Designs - Noupe

Will Local PPC Ads Destroy the National Ads - Rimm-Kaufman

Create a Magical Rainbow Color Flame in Photoshop - Veerle's Blog

23 Affiliate Networks for Monetizing Your Website - Traffikd



Posted By: Brandon Cox on 10/03/08

Your new site is quite nice, by the way! I love the emphasis on ethics, which seems to missing in a get-rich-quick, make-the-quick-sale environment of current web development trends. I appreciate your work!

Posted By: Matthew Grffin on 10/03/08

Thanks, Brandon.

Posted By: brooks on 10/08/08

Yes I too loked it. The design is excellent.

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