5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (5/9/08 Edition)

May 9th, 2008 in Friday Blog Clips

by: Matthew Griffin

The big news this week is the change to the Bits O' NewMedia RSS feed. While doing some random testing on various feed readers, I noticed that sometimes the articles would show up more than once or the order of the articles would get jumbled. Fortunately, Steven Snell posted an article last week on Traffikd called 150+ RSS Resources that gave me a good starting point. After poking around a little, I discovered that the issue was a bad date format in my <pubdate> tag. If you're subscribing to the feed, you probably noticed when I fixed it because your reader suddenly showed thirty plus unread articles.

I'm in the process of refining Bits O' NewMedia and preparing for a possible redesign in the next couple of months. I'll be sure to give everyone a heads-up on any upcoming changes.

Now, here are the week's five best web design blog articles.

99 Flickr Groups for Design Inspiration - Vandelay Website Design

You Know You're Addicted to Web Design If... - Elite By Design

Create a Brushed Metal Texture in Illustrator - Vectips

Zebra Striping: Does It Really Help? - A List Apart

Piwik: Open Source Google Analytics Alternative - Read/Write Web



Posted By: Steven Snell on 05/12/08

Hey Matt, I'm glad to hear that the RSS resources came in handy. Thanks for the links!

Posted By: on 05/13/08

No problem, Steven. That was an incredible list.

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