Simple and Stunning (Part 3): 10 Website Designs that Inspire

October 1st, 2008 in Design Inspiration

by: Matthew Griffin

This is the third installment of Simple and Stunning on Mirificam Press. In case you're new to Mirificam Press, Simple and Stunning is an ongoing list acknowledging excellent website designs that combine the simplicity of a great user interface with stunning layouts and color schemes. The ongoing Flickr photos set can be seen . I've made a noticeable change in this edition, though: Instead of capturing only the initially visible area of each site, I included the scroll area below. My purpose in the previous method was to present a kind of first glance presentation. But with increasingly sporadic monitor sizes and resolutions, I think my new method will give you a better feel for the whole design.

I let a little more time elapse between this edition and the second edition which gave me a little more time to round up a larger pool from which to choose. The only design I struggled with was the Timothy Long site. It's so simple that some could argue that it doesn't belong here. But the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that it accomplishes its purpose perfectly. If you have any suggestions for future consideration, please let me know in the comments.

Playground Blues


Hammad Ali

Charmingwall Inc.

Berkley Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Timothy Long

The Things We Make

Tap Tap Tap





Posted By: Edgar on 10/01/08

Tap, Tap, Tap is my fave. Simply simple. I don't have to scroll or anything. pretty cool.

Posted By: Matthew Griffin on 10/01/08

Great, Edgar. Thanks.

Posted By: Brad C on 10/02/08

Great list. There is a lot on here that I've never seen before. I was pleasantly surprised.

Posted By: Matthew Grffin on 10/02/08

Thanks, Brad.

Posted By: Rob W on 10/03/08

Nice blend of technologies, too -- only two flash-reliant sites, then a scattering of Javascript (MooTools, Prototype, JQuery) and some without "special effects" at all... which is good; it doesn't make sense for every site to have fancy custom navigation.

Posted By: Matthew Grffin on 10/03/08

Yeah, I tried to focus specifically on design without letting the technologies behind them affect my judgment. At some point I guess I'll have to post a gallery of website with beautiful guts.

Posted By: Timothy Long on 10/29/09

I never noticed you plugged my old site. Thanks, Matt!

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