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Web Browser Review: Flock 1.0 "The Social Browser"
January 7th, 2008 in Product Reviews
by: Matthew Griffin
I've been a fan of the Flock browser for quite awhile now. But when version 1.0 was release on November 5th, I put off the upgrade. I've never been good about paying attention to upgrade dialog boxes. Last week I finally dove in. I have to say that my expectations have been exceeded.
In case you've never used Flock, it's a fairly new browser based on Mozilla's browser technology. It functions a lot like FireFox and it's compatible with most of the FireFox extensions. But Flock has an additional set of built-in features that make it outshine FireFox. Flock can automatically integrate with your favorite online social networks. This means quick access to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and a whole slew of other popular services. For example, if I want to see what my Facebook friends are up to, I just click my friends icon in Flock and a nifty little sidebar pops up with a list of my friends. If I want to upload a photo to my Flickr account, there is a vertical bar that drops down, ready for a quick drag and drop. Here's a complete list of all the services Flock supports.
Take away all the features that make Flock "the social browser" and you still have a solid browsing experience. It has all the expected gadgets of a modern browser: built-in search bar with multiple search engine options, tabbed browsing, and an easy-access favorites bar. Version 1.0 also adds an "email this web page" button built into the address bar and a new notification system that alerts you when a web page has an RSS feed, a media feed, or a Flock compatible search engine.
Flock has it right. It may have started out as the browser for geeks and web designers, but it's new face-lift makes it the everyman browser. Oh, and just to put your mind at ease, I'm not getting paid for this.