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5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (1/4/08 Edition)

January 4th, 2008 in Friday Blog Clips

by: Matthew Griffin

I'm limiting the 2008 prediction articles this week to one (a humorous bit from Dot Sauce). The daily influx of these articles is waning so I had to throw one more in before they disappear altogether. I have to point to Web Worker Daily for the most interesting article this week. Their "6 Secrets to Running a Virtual Company" is a fascinating look at a company that's pioneering a better way to do business.

20 Websites With Unique Layouts - Vandelay Website Design
If you're stuck in a two or three column design rut, Steven Snell's list of unique layouts is great inspiration for breaking out.

6 Secrets to Running a Virtual Company - Web Worker Daily
This article is a basically company profile of Cheetah Learning—a virtual company headed up by Michelle LaBrosse. Small web design studios and independent contractor will find useful information here.

Another AOL Blunder - Netscape Discontinued - Fanatic Industries
AOL used to be the only game in town. But the once internet pioneer doesn't seem to have the touch anymore and the end may be on the horizon.

How to Get Worthless Adsense Clicks - Courtney Tuttle
If you design websites for multiple clients, you are bound to run into the issue of monetization eventually. In this post Courtney explains how to avoid getting put on the Adsense blacklist.

8 Ways to Get Rich With Domain Names in 2008 - Dot Sauce
Here's something on the lighter side. Dot Sauce lists eight strategies for buying domain names that could make you a fortune in the new year.


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