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5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (2/1/08 Edition)
February 1st, 2008 in Friday Blog Clips
by: Matthew Griffin
This week, I ran across a lot of good "big picture" articles. Deep Jive Interests makes its debut this week with an insightful look at what Digg would look like without the Digg elite. Dosh Dosh chimes in with a discussion about historical propaganda techniques and how they apply to modern web marketing. Vandelay Website Design is back again with realistic look at web designer/client relationships. Overall, the articles I sorted through this week were exceptionally well-written and deep-probing. It was difficult to make cuts but here's the final five.
Would Digg Be Substantially Different Without the Digg Elite? - Deep Jive Interests
This article starts with a link to an interesting Yahoo! Pipes mashup that gives us a peek at what the Digg homepage would look like without some of the Digg "elite". It goes on to discuss the impact of these elite Diggers on social media and the world.
The "Un-Agency " - Logic+Emotion
This article is a fascinating tour of the current trends shaping the world of creative agencies.
10 Realities of Designing Websites for Clients - Vandelay Website Design
In this post, Steven Snell insightfully defines the fine line between commitment to clients and maintaining business/design integrity.
The Art of Propaganda - 7 Tactics Used to Influence Behavior - Dosh Dosh
Propaganda has a long and illustrious/infamous history. Here, Dosh Dosh discusses historical propaganda and how it applies to the age of the internet. It's an honest disection of the subject worth reading.
How YOU Can Make the Web More Structured - Read/Write Web
We use the basic title, keyword, and description meta-tags religiously, but that's where most of us stop. Read/Write Web explains how to use meta-tags to increase the effectiveness and crawlability (I just invented a word) of a website.