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A New Personality for Bits O' NewMedia

June 18th, 2008 in Mirificam Press News

by: Matthew Griffin

I've made brief mention of coming changes to Bits O' NewMedia in the last couple of months. But it's time to make good on my threats. Over the weekend, I will not only be unveiling a new design but a new name for Bits O' NewMedia. Bits O' New Media will now be Mirificam Press. This week's 5 for Friday list will be the last article posted on the old Bits O' NewMedia. If you're currently reading Bits O' NewMedia by RSS or email subscription, there's no need to take action. The RSS address will remain the same. Also, any bookmarked pages will automatically redirect to the new site.

I started writing Bits O' NewMedia as a Tumblog in the Spring of 2007. For about six months, I was just posting links and short observations. But eventually, my posts started getting longer and more detailed. In November of 2007 I launched the first full-fledged version of Bits O' NewMedia and moved it over to my own server. That new launch marked the beginning of rapid change for Bits O' NewMedia. I've learned so much writing and researching articles for Bits O' NewMedia that I feel it's clothes have become outdated. It sounds weird saying that after only eight months, but it's true.

As soon as the new blog is launched, I'll be posting an article dissecting the new design and explaining the layout and graphical decisions I made. In terms of content, you can expect the same topics and tutorials you always have. I will, however, be putting more focus on Christian worldview and design resources on mainstay pages of the new site. I get a lot of requests for these and I'd like to make Mirificam Press a place where Christian designers can study their craft from a biblical worldview.


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