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5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (7/11/08 Edition)
July 11th, 2008 in Friday Blog Clips
by: Matthew Griffin
I wanted to start this week's 5 for Friday by saying how pleased I have been at the comments on the article Truth Claims and the Future of Web Design. I think both agreers and objectors have kept the conversation amiable and intelligent, which is more that I can say for a lot forums on similar topics.
There were a lot of great resource lists out there this week. I included four in this week's 5 for Friday but I could have filled all five slots if I wanted to. But I figured that wouldn't be very much variety, so I included Devlounge's incredible photo gallery tutorial. Also, the list of cheat sheets by Six Revisions is one you should definitely bookmark. Anyway, here they are.
Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Developers - Six Revisions
40 Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting and Abstract Effects - Vandelay Design
30 Most Inspirational Light Web Designs - Elite By Design
70 Amazing Business Cards - Fubiz
Creating a Photo Gallery Using jQuery and the MT Asset Manager - Devlounge