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5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (8/1/08 Edition)

August 1st, 2008 in Friday Blog Clips

by: Matthew Griffin

This week A List Apart announced the 2008 web designer survey. If you're a "person who makes websites", make sure to stop by and take it. Also, by now I'm sure that all of the Mirificam Press readers have had their fill of layout tutorials. Good, semantic layouts are important but I assure you I have said all I have to say on that issue for awhile. I'll be doing some more specific tips and tricks type articles and focusing on the state of creativity in Christendom in the next few weeks.

Vivid Imagery in Modern Web Design - Smashing Magazine

200+ Free Grunge Photoshop Brushes - You the Designer

Boomers Aren't Using Social Networks, and Blogging's Simply Off the Map - Deep Jive Interests

Four New Blockquotes and How You Can Make Them - Elite by Design

CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices - Noupe


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