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Stop Tweaking Your Projects: The 80/20 Rule
August 7th, 2007 in Business & Process
by: Matthew Griffin
A huge part of being both efficient and fulfilled in the New Media business is the ability to stop tweaking projects. It seems like every time we finish a project, there is always something that we think we can improve. This is a slippery slope that always ends in tears (take it from me).
The 80/20 rule is a great way to put an end to unnecessary tweaking. It simply states that 20% of your effort is used to bring a piece of work to 80% perfection. So next time you are tempted to tweak, remember that once you pass that 20% mark, your efficiency drops dramatically. It will take 80% of your effort to bring the project the other 20% to perfection. If you are worried about not “giving 100%” like your high school coach told you to, don’t. You will be helping your clients spend their money more wisely by taking this attitude.