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5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (11/20/09 Edition)
November 20th, 2009 in Friday Blog Clips
by: Matthew Griffin
Well, this week I made changes and updates to my archived article 9 Web Design No Nos for the Newbie. This one was a little bit more difficult because I really wanted to increase the list to about 20 no nos. Apparently I've grown in my understanding of no nos over the last couple years. But in the end I decided to retain the title and expand on the nine that are already there. If you've never read it, please check it out. Now, here's this week's 5 for Friday.
On Web Typography - A List Apart
The ultimate Ugly Showcase of Current Government Websites - Noupe
- Six Revisions
35 Excellent Ecommerce User Interface Designs - Vandelay Design
Advanced Javascript Table Sorter - Leigerber Web Development Blog