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5 for Friday | The Week's Best Blogs (12/18/09 Edition)
December 18th, 2009 in Friday Blog Clips
by: Matthew Griffin
Since this is the last 5 for Friday before the Christmas holiday and the new year, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. A List Apart Released its annual web designer survey this week so make sure you head over there and fill it out; it's the first link on the list. In a few months when they tabulate the data we can all measure our incomes against the national average. Can't wait! Now, here's this week's 5 for Friday.
The Survey 2009 - A List Apart
- 456 Berea Street
CSS3 Animations and Their jQuery Equivalents - Marco Folio
- Brenelz Web Design Solutions
Private Label Opportunities for Web Designers and Developers - Vandelay Design