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Blurring the Lines Between Life and Work
June 28th, 2007 in Business & Process
by: Matthew Griffin
Traditionally (or at least for the past 100 year or so) there has been a very clear distinction between home life and work life. I won’t get into all the cultural implications of that mindset but suffice it to say that I’m glad things are beginning to change. I am learning to view my work as a vocation rather than a career — something that my parent’s generation never had the joy of experiencing. For them, unfortunately, you were either a hard worker or a bum.
Now, I admit that some separation of the facets of your life is important but I think you will find that the more you view them all as an extension of a single goal, the more fulfilling the whole process becomes.
Here’s a photo of my father-in-law with our new daughter during one of my spur of the moment work/vacation trips in the middle of the week. I love my job!