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You Will Mash It Up Whether You Like It or Not!
May 24th, 2007 in Programming & IT
by: Matthew Griffin
Smart web sites make their content available to the world in RSS feeds and XML. I think we’ve already proven that the more you share the better off you are. But what about web sites with great information that don’t want to share. says, “Too bad! You’ll mash it up whether you like it or not!” Seriously, though, has created an incredible free tool for extracting information from web sites and turning it into data that can be republished. When you go to the site, make sure to take a look at some of the daps that have already been created. Here is a screenshot of me “dapping” Bits O’ NewMedia.
This service brings up some interesting questions about where web content is going. If anybody has and idea for a dap or finds a really cool dap that I should post about, let me know.