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Friday Blog Clips (Archive)

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  • Well, we can cross out 2008 and look forward to great new year for web design. Despite some of the bad happenings in this last year, I feel that it's been one of my greatest years of growth and maturity in my vocation as well as life in general. Mirificam Press has come a long way from being practically a vanity press to a blog with a respectable ranking and almost 900 subscribers. I'd like to take a quick line to thank everyone who reads and comments on Mirificam Press. And I'd like to thank God for his grace and provision in 2008. Here's the first 5 for Friday of 2009:

  • For some time now I've been meaning to write and article about typography on the web. So far, I haven't gotten around to it but you can expect something in the next couple months. In the meantime, though, Web Designer Wall has a great introductory article that discusses some of the ins and outs. If you're only going to read one article on this week's 5 for Friday, I recommend that one. And now, the links:

  • This was one of those great web blog weeks—one of those weeks where I have a hard time narrowing my favorite articles down to just five. I struggled for awhile over whether or not to leave the web geek Christmas list in there but I just couldn't resist. Sorry if anyone feels cheated. Here this week's 5 for Friday:

  • I enjoyed discussing the concept of design as interpretation this week. Thanks to everyone who commented on the article Design Interprets. Design Speak. Design Matters. I plan to continue developing those ideas in the future. For now, though, I'd like to welcome Yongfook to the 5 for Friday list. I enjoyed his 10 dirty web development tricks and I'm sure you will as well.

  • For those of you living in America: I hope you got plenty to eat yesterday. For everyone else: I hope you got a lot done at work yesterday. It being the day after Thanksgiving, I thought I'd add a couple of lighthearted links to this ordinarily serious list. I'm sure you will enjoy Veerle's first website article as well as Techie Zone's 10 Most Addictive Online Flash Games. See. Even if you don't live in America, you can still benefit from the Thanksgiving holiday. I am truly thankful to God for my family, and my vocation and I hope that all of you share the sentiment.

  • I was happy to see the positive response to my Bible design article earlier this week. Every once in awhile I post something that I'm just sure will step on some toes; I'm usually pleasantly surprised. I'm interested in exploring the thought of design as a layer of interpretation in later posts so keep your eyes out for that in the next few weeks. Here are this week's 5 for Friday:

  • It's been awhile since I've mentioned Vandelay Design here in my introduction to 5 for Friday. But this week Steven's article about 21 ways to communicate with visitors is worth mentioning. A lot of the links on 5 for Friday focus on technical design skills, but if after applying all these skills our sites don't effectively communicate then it doesn't really matter.

  • Having already posted a list of Photoshop tutorials this week, I tried to shy away from such lists on this week's 5 for Friday. Fortunately, there were some great articles and resources posted in the blogosphere this week that have nothing to do with Photoshop. I'm sure you'll agree. Here is this week's 5 for Friday.

  • I'd like to start out this week's 5 for Friday by thanking Jason Santa Maria for his list of design book resources. As modern designers we tend more and more toward the bite size information chunks found in blogs and other online resources. But when it comes to truly increasing knowledge and ability, you just can't beat the comprehensive nature of a full-length book. They provide the systematic frameworks that are necessary to achieve greatness in the field. Jason's list is solid and a great starting point for any aspiring designer.

  • This Friday is special for me, and it's not only because I found some great designer resources this week. My little sister is getting married tomorrow. I couldn't be prouder of her. So I'd like to take this little space before my 5 for Friday to congratulate her and offer up a thankful prayer to God for all his blessings on our family. And now, here's 5 for Friday:

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