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Friday Blog Clips (Archive)

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  • I'll start by saying thanks again to Brooke Condolora for participating in the Mirificam Press Interview series. I still have four or five more interviews to go so look for those in the coming weeks. Also, I really enjoyed the Devlounge article about the talent myth. I couldn't agree more with his conclusions. It's the first link on the list so make sure you at least check that one out. Now, here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • The Mirificam Press interview series continued this week with Seattle designer Jeff Croft. I've also been please with the response I've received from other Mirificam Press readers. I may have to extend the series a little accommodate all the responses. Also, I'm continuing to work on a five-part video series that I have to release some time after the interviews are finished. It's definitely a new world dealing with motion graphics. Now, here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • The Mirificam Press interview series is officially underway as I posted my first interview this week featuring Belgian designer Veerle Pieters. Thank you to all the designers who have taken the time to participate. It's been great fun reading all of your answers. Also, this week ran a group interview of its own that's worth checking out. You'll find the link below in this week's 5 for Friday.

  • I'm excited about unveiling the first in the Mirificam Press interview series next week. I've gotten some great responses from a group of designers with a wide range of skill sets, popularity, and life philosophy. This series is also affording me the opportunity to focus my attention on a potential Mirificam Press video series to be released later this year. I'd like to thank designer and Mirificam Press reader Tanya Nichols for inspiring me to pursue this. More details coming soon. Now, here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • I posted an article this week about what I believe and why. And even though it's one of the shortest articles I've written in awhile, it took quite a bit of searching and thinking. I'm glad that I'm constantly being challenged by readers and friends to examine my thoughts and motivations. So I'd like to preface this week's 5 for Friday by thanking all of you who have read and participated here on Mirificam Press during its first year of existence. Now, here's the links.

  • In case you haven't been to the Mirificam Press home page in awhile, I'd like to announce that I have finally given in to the Twitter mania and set up a Mirificam Press account. If you'd like to follow, my name is @mirificam. You'll get some personal stuff but I try to keep it updated with links and other design related tweets as well. Now turning to the task at hand, I found Aisle One's "8 Simples Ways to Improve Typography" to be one of the best overviews of the basic typographic rules, I've ever seen. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • The big news this week is that the W3C has released a beta version of a much needed and long anticipated website redesign. I've included a link to the new design as one of my 5 for Friday links. Also, I'm working on a series of articles featuring interviews with influential web designers concerning design philosophy and worldview. I'm excited about getting the interviews up on the site but, in reality, it will be at least a few more weeks before they are ready. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • SXSWi 2009 is now fading into history as I posted my last panel review this week. I'm excited about the things going on in the web design industry and I'm optimistic about our future (all economic downturns aside). It looks like the demand for good design will weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side. Now, I'll leave you with this week's 5 for Friday.

  • Everything seems to be settling back into a regular groove after a week at SXSWi. This week, I posted my second article analyzing SXSWi panels and my final article will appear next week. On another thread, I enjoyed Nettut's "10 rare HTML tags" article this week. I have to admit, there were several that I had no recollection of ever seeing. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • SXSWi 2009 is over now. As always, the conference was inspiring and overwhelming. In comparing 2009 to previous years at SWSWi there has been a noticeable shift in the overall emphasis of the panels from practical web design topics to discussions centered around social interaction, internet culture, and philosophy. We may be entering the time when the web design industry really starts to define itself from foundational philosophical and worldview standpoint. I will be posting two more articles dissecting SXSWi panels over the next two week. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

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