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Friday Blog Clips (Archive)

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  • The final article in my web design worldview series was posted this week. Even though I barely scratched the surface of the topic, I think a good foundation was set. I've enjoyed all the well-thought-out comments and conversation that has grown from the series. There are several follow-up articles I'll be posting in the next few months to expand and clarify specific concepts related to Christianity and web design. Now, here are my five links for this Friday.

  • Something very interesting happened this week in the web world: According to comScore, Yahoo! Buzz overtook Digg in the month of April. This feat is impressive on its own, but add to that the fact that the new Yahoo! Buzz social news site achieved the bulk of its traffic growth in just ten months, and you've got a serious phenomenon. I'm not going to get too deep into the why or how without doing more research; but I can say from experience using Digg over the last year that this has been a long time coming. Check out the Read/Write Web article below for more details. Here are the five best web design blog articles this week.

  • The big news this week is the change to the Bits O' NewMedia RSS feed. While doing some random testing on various feed readers, I noticed that sometimes the articles would show up more than once or the order of the articles would get jumbled. Fortunately, Steven Snell posted an article last week on Traffikd called 150+ RSS Resources that gave me a good starting point. After poking around a little, I discovered that the issue was a bad date format in my tag. If you're subscribing to the feed, you probably noticed when I fixed it because your reader suddenly showed thirty plus unread articles. I'm in the process of refining Bits O' NewMedia and preparing for a possible redesign in the next couple of months. I'll be sure to give everyone a heads-up on any upcoming changes. Now, here are the week's five best web design blog articles.

  • This has been an exciting week on several fronts. I posted my article about the modernist worldview in web design and I've been surprised and pleased by the response. Those types of articles don't tend to do as well on social bookmarking networks but I can live with that. I'm continually amazed by the number and diverse set of readers that contact me about Christian worldview in design. Also, I've recently started to bring my wife into my vocation more. We are convinced that fathers are given the role as the primary educators of their children. Ashleigh's help in my business will give me more freedom to teach my children. In a lot of way it's scary and different, but we know it's right. Here's what I ran across in my blog reading this week.

  • This week marks the beginning of my six part series on worldview in web design. I had planned to start it up several weeks ago but I felt that it needed a little refining. My wife and I spent quite a few evenings in the last month discussing points and researching topics after the kids were in bed. Looking at the final product, I think the labor was well worth it. I'll be posting a new part in the series every Wednesday for the next five weeks. And now... 5 for Friday.

  • I'm going to be changing up 5 for Friday a little bit. From now on, I'm going to stop giving descriptions of every link I post. In most cases, the title says enough already. I'm going to start focusing more on this recap that you're reading right now. I'll be including more personal information about the events of the week--what struggles or triumphs I'm experiencing as a Christian, as a Father, and as a web designer. I think this information will help everyone get to know me in a more personal way and open up dialog about our vocation. So look for that in the weeks to come.

  • There were some great web design articles added to the blogosphere this week. And, of course, being the week of April Fool's Day, there were some hilarious prank posts as well. I couldn't resist listing at least one. The other four, though, I'm sure you will find helpful.

  • I stumbled upon some really good lists this week. Vandelay's 101 Typography Resources for Web Designers is one that's especially impressive. I haven't featured Devlounge here in awhile but their guide to mashing up content with Yahoo Pipes is exceptional. I had to include it. Enough introduction, though. Here is the 5 for Friday.

  • It's hard to believe that Friday is already here again. I guess it just went fast because I've been trying to catch up after losing a week to SXSWi. There were some very original articles posted this week by some of my favorite bloggers. I especially liked Tutorial Blog's guide to color schemes. Who would have thought to look at North Portland homes for design inspiration?

  • SXSWi 2008 is over, and somehow I managed to read all my blogs and put together 5 for Friday during the fray. It was actually a great week for web design blogs and I was almost late for a few panels because I couldn't stop reading. I had an inspiring and rejuvenating time in Austin and I'm excited to present this week's list.

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