Friday Blog Clips (Archive)

Page 5 of 11 (103 total articles)
  • It's a cold rainy registration day for SXSWi 2009 but I can already tell it's going to be bigger this year than it's ever been. I apologize to all you who were expecting 5 for Friday earlier. Austin traffic can really slow a schedule down. I'm sitting at the Day Stage at the Austin Convention Center typing this out and getting ready for another great conference for 2009. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • As I mentioned earlier this week, I will be attending SXSWi next week. In keeping with tradition, I will be posting three reviews of panels I attend while I'm there. The articles will focus on the practical use of the panel as well as general cultural and worldview analysis from a Christian perspective. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you there and learning about this great vocation we've all taken up. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • Logic+Emotion probed an interesting corporate trend this week: Businesses (large and small) seem to be warming up to the idea that sometimes they're wrong. Logic+Emotion's article relates the story of Tropicana's recent back-peddling from their new juice carton design after customers complained. We saw a similar situation with the Facebook user agreement. And, hey, my local Albertson's grocery store removed its self-checkout system after receiving complaints from its patrons. Is this genuine humility? With an increasingly marketing savvy population the old modernist techniques of treating the consumer like an evolutionary byproduct may be going by the wayside. Let's just hope this new humility is sincere and not an indication of the dawning of the age of postmodern power plays. Enough of that, here's this week's 5 for Friday:

  • This week I posted the longest of four articles in my intro to web design series. I have to admit this endeavor has proven to be much more involved than it seemed in theory. Sometimes the skills we develop slowly over the years seem so simple at a glance. It's not until you attempt to explain them in detail that you realize how far you've come. I hope the series has been helpful to everyone. I plan on posting the final article the week after next. Now, here's this week's 5 for Friday:

  • It's been another great week in the world of web design. The article I posted this week, Modern Trends: The Truth is in the Comments, was a little more sobering than my usual content but I think it was appropriate. If you haven't had a chance, at least skim through some of the comment quotes in the article. Hopefully you will be incensed. On a lighter note, I really enjoyed the jCrop screencast on NetTuts this week. You should definitely check it out. Here are this week's 5 for Friday:

  • Well, this is more like 5 for Saturday but... There were so many lists in the blogosphere this week I decided to make it a theme. This week's 5 for Friday is entirely dedicated to the ubiquitous list post. I think you'll especially enjoy the web typography tools list from Smashing Magazine. The shear number of tools and tutorials is a little overwhelming but the information is really good. I find more and more that typography is the aspect of web design I struggle with. Here are this weeks 5 for Friday:

  • I really enjoyed reading Horizontal Flow by 13Things this week. It presents an interesting perspective on why web design is so column-centric. But the best part of it is the introduction where the story of web design is told in a Genesis 1 style. Very funny. Also, the jQuery interactive map is fascinating. I think jQuery is really starting to give Flash a run for its money. Here's this week's 5 for Friday.

  • This week I posted the first of four articles on the basics of web design. It's a series I've been meaning to write for a long time but just couldn't seem to get around to it. Expect to see the remaining three articles released one at a time every other week. Here's this week's 5 for Friday:

  • If you visited Mirificam Press this week you may have noticed some changes. The graphics and layout have been updated and improved but the big change is the new "study path mode". After a year of advertising a soon-to-come web design study course, I finally got serious and finished it. The study path mode transforms the website to feature the current study series and make it easier for those following the series to navigated around the related articles. Every three or four months, I'll be switching out the design on the study path mode and starting a new focus series. You can try it out by clicking the button next to the logo. The site mode can be easily toggled on and off. And now this week's 5 for Friday:

  • With feet now firmly planted in the new year, I think it's time to hint at some upcoming changes to Mirificam Press. In the next few weeks I'll be unveiling a new design and layout. My gosh, the current one's been up for almost nine months now; It's practically a dinosaur. Of course, when the switch happens I'll post an article explaining the changes and new features. For now, here's this week's 5 for Friday:

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