Friday Blog Clips (Archive)

Page 7 of 11 (103 total articles)
  • It really has been an exciting week for web design articles. You'll notice that quite a few of the links in this week's 5 for Friday are pointing to new or rarely used sources. Hongkiat has a very helpful list of tooltip scripts you will find handy if you can forgive the poor English. Also, Cameron Moll, who hasn't appeared on Mirificam Press in quite a while wrote a great guide for CSS beginners (Veterans might want to check it out as well). Here is this week's 5 for Friday:

  • Over the years I've run into this situation time and again: A client needs to be able to edit/resize photos on their own but they don't have any image editing software. In the old days, I usually ended up doing the work for them and billing them by the hour. Honestly, though, what web designer wants to spend all their time resizing photos? We want to think, create, design. Fortunately, now days we have slew of free online image editors to point our Photoshop deficient clients to. A wonderful list of online image editors has been provided by Six Revisions this week, and I suggest you bookmark it and use it to your benefit. Here are this week's 5 for Friday:

  • As some of you already know, I recently changed the name of my design studio from Liquid Design Media to Six House Design. For the most part it's been a smooth transition and I'm already seeing great benefits from my new website. But I'd like to take a moment and warn any independent designers thinking about making a name change that lack of planning can really eat your lunch. I recommend making a general timeline and checklist to guide you through the process. It's not nearly as simple as it seems up font. And now, this week's 5 for Friday:

  • It's amazing how quickly Friday rolls around. It has been another great week for online web design blogs and resources. I especially enjoyed Six Revisions' list of CSS techniques for charting data. Charts and graphs are something that I rarely see tackled in the CSS world and Six Revisions did a great job.

  • This is my first Friday back from my much needed and long anticipated vacation. I have to admit I've been dragging a little this week trying to get back in the swing of things. But that doesn't mean that the world of web design was feeling the same way. I enjoyed getting back to reading my favorite blogs after my little break. Here's what I stumbled upon this week:

  • I'll start this week's 5 for Friday by warning you that I will be on vacation next week and taking a blogging break. This will be the first week in almost a year that I haven't blogged. Don't worry, though, I'll be back the following week with the usual flow of articles. This week, everyone seems to be talking about Google's new browser Chrome. It's an interesting topic but it's almost completely eclipsed the real break-through product by Mozilla called Ubiquity. Ubiquity is a browser plugin that uses natural language to allow users to perform previously multi-step tasks with simple commands. I'd like to go on record right now as saying, "Mozilla is onto something here."

  • There were some seriously long article titles this week. I can't argue with the content, though. I especially encourage you to read the A List Apart article. It would be interesting to work out a Christian worldview on the issue. Aaron Rester makes some good points and he may ultimately be right that "cartographer" is a better metaphor for the web design vocation than "architect". I'm just wary of some of the pop philosophy he uses to get there. Any comments?

  • I really enjoyed all the comments and interaction that took place on Mirificam Press this week. It has always been my hope that this blog would attract thinking designers who will converse, not only with me, but with each other. It seems like that's exactly what's happening. I'd like to send out a thanks to all of the Mirificam Press subscribers and readers. Now, here's my 5 for Friday.

  • There were some great blog articles posted out there this week but I'd like to point everyone to one article in particular. The Traffikd article about search engine optimization for local results is a must read for any independent web designer. Steven Snell does a great job giving a concise rundown of the the ins and outs of local search engine optimization.

  • I'm posting this week's 5 for Friday from College Station, TX where my sister is graduating from Texas A&M University. She's the model of a Christian with a homeschool eduction and I'm very proud of her for this accomplishment. On a separate track, I was extremely encouraged by all the thoughtful comments on my creative sub-culture article this week. Thanks for all the insight and please, anyone who has any other ideas on the subject, email me or leave a comment. I'm always interested to hear from other Christian designers trying to break out of the creative ghetto.

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