Friday Blog Clips (Archive)

Page 8 of 11 (103 total articles)
  • This week A List Apart announced the 2008 web designer survey. If you're a "person who makes websites", make sure to stop by and take it. Also, by now I'm sure that all of the Mirificam Press readers have had their fill of layout tutorials. Good, semantic layouts are important but I assure you I have said all I have to say on that issue for awhile. I'll be doing some more specific tips and tricks type articles and focusing on the state of creativity in Christendom in the next few weeks.

  • Wow! If you're looking for Illustrator resources, this is your lucky week. There were so many good resource lists and tutorial for Illustrator that I had to fill at list three of my five slots with them. Also, on a side not, I'd like to congratulate Steven Snell on the launch of his new design blog If it's anything like his other two blogs, you can expect to see links here on 5 for Friday in the near future.

  • This has been an interesting week on Mirificam Press. I especially enjoyed the reader comments and questions I received this week on and off the actual blog. The topic of vocation seems to be one that hits home with a lot of web designers. Moving on to the topic of links, Devlounge posted a great introductory tutorial to the PHP library cURL. In case, you've never used it or are new to PHP, cURL allows you to transfer data to and from outside servers on the server side. Devlounge uses the example of pulling an RSS feed down from Digg.

  • I wanted to start this week's 5 for Friday by saying how pleased I have been at the comments on the article Truth Claims and the Future of Web Design. I think both agreers and objectors have kept the conversation amiable and intelligent, which is more that I can say for a lot forums on similar topics.There were a lot of great resource lists out there this week. I included four in this week's 5 for Friday but I could have filled all five slots if I wanted to. But I figured that wouldn't be very much variety, so I included Devlounge's incredible photo gallery tutorial. Also, the list of cheat sheets by Six Revisions is one you should definitely bookmark. Anyway, here they are.

  • Happy Independence Day to all you American readers. I'll be spending my day with my family eating hot dogs and relaxing. To everyone else, I guess it's just another Friday. The link selection this week is deep and diverse, and I recommend reading every single article. But if you only have time for one, you need to check out A List Apart's tutorial on Faux absolute positioning. Faux absolute positioning is another method for building multi-column layouts in CSS.

  • After looking at this week's links, you may be wondering, "What's with all the free brushes?" Well, I'm not really sure. There was a sudden influx of articles this week featuring free Photoshop and Illustrator brushes and I decided to jump at the chance. Who knows how long it will be until the next brush article. There were more than just brush articles this week, though. I'm really interested to see what happens with MagCloud. It sounds a lot like for magazines. Also, you may have noticed that the new Mirificam Press design is continuing to change. I wish I could blame it on "settling in" or "listening to my readers and taking suggestions", but the truth is, I've just been restless and indecisive about it. You can expect any significant changes to be finished up today.

  • As you know from Wednesday's post, this edition of 5 for Friday is a farewell to the old Bits O' NewMedia. In fact, by the time you read this post, I may have completed the transition. There was an unusually large number of helpful tutorials and resource lists posted in the web design blogosphere this week which always makes it easy to put a link list together. I was tempted to make this list "10 for Friday", but I couldn't bring myself to break the tradition. So here they are:

  • You may have noticed that the typical Monday article didn't appear on Bits O' NewMedia this week. Believe it or not, there's actually a good explanation beyond "I flaked out". I've been working on the Bits O' NewMedia redesign for quite awhile now and I decided it's time to lower my head and get it finished. So the time I would have normally spent writing my Monday article went to designing and writing content for the new site. I expect to launch it the week after next so don't expect to miss many Monday posts. Here are this week's links:

  • Today I happen to be out of town celebrating my wife's birthday with her parents and grandparents in Paris, Texas. Still, I feel compelled to sneak off and post my 5 for Friday. For the sake of time, I'll spare you anymore details this week and jump right to the links.

  • With Memorial Day on Monday and family traveling today, I almost feel like this wasn't a work week at all. It did give me a chance to relax, and spend time with family, though. We had my daughter's first birthday party over the weekend so all the grandparents were in town. I know it's a cliche, but I really can't believe we've already had her for a year. After all the festivities died down I was able to get some reading done. I've got a list of classics in theology and web design that I'm trying to knock out. Knowing God by J.I. Packer is my current read and I'll be moving on to Designing with Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman. I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't read either of these before. I guess everyone has to read a book for the first time as some point. Here are my five favorite web design articles from this week:

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